Commonly Asked Questions

  • In short, Functional Medicine is the process of finding the root cause of your symptoms and finding ways to treat them. At the core, Functional Medicine is preventative medicine — it’s information and data so that you understand the status of your health and body, instead of waiting for disease to strike.

  • The wonderful thing about functional medicine is it is designed to treat everyone! Because the treatment’s goal is to understand the root cause of disease, the disease isn’t what we focus on, but everything that is happening inside the body to contribute to dysfunction.

    Some examples of conditions Dr. Lacey specializes in are below:

    • Hashimoto’s

    • Autoimmune disease

    • Chronic fatigue

    • Gastrointestinal concerns (SIBO, IBS, IBD, Chron’s, UC)

    • Mood disorders

    • Cardiovascular disease

    • Rheumatoid arthritis

    • Hormone balance

    • Chronic pain

    • Neurological conditions

    • Food sensitivities/intolerances

    • Health Optimization

  • The first stage of treatment usually lasts 3 months. We meet to discuss your condition, you are sent out for diagnostic testing, we meet again to create a tailored plan, and then meet every 2-3 weeks to guide the treatment process. At the end of this phase, we will re-lab the markers that were out of range to see if we have made the progress we hoped to achieve. This whole process typically takes 2-3 months. After the initial phase, ideally you are then educated, equipped and empowered to live life without my assistance. I then function as a holistic primary care provider for my patients, available to them whenever they are in need of further assistance.

  • As a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, I have a license to diagnose, but I do not have a license to prescribe pharmaceutical medication. I use botanical medication, supplementation, nutrition and lifestyle changes to achieve our goals. If pharmaceutical intervention becomes necessary, I will refer you to a provider that can assist you with this care.

  • Our office does not accept insurance, however a superbill can be provided for you to bill your insurance directly.

    A superbill is a detailed invoice outlining the services a client received. Because preventative medicine is not typically paid for by insurance companies we generate a superbill for you to submit to your insurance company in the hopes of partial or full reimbursement.

    Every insurance company and plan has their own unique guidelines of whether treatment will be covered.

  • Yes. The lab work we run at Awaken Wellness is a comprehensive list of markers that allow Dr. Lacey to get to the root of your disease. Most lab work run by other physicians will be incomplete and not have the data necessary for diagnosis. Dr. Lacey has negotiated the lowest cash based price for labs in order to make them affordable for patients.

    If you have had prior labwork run please email these to prior to your appointment.

  • Costs not included in your appointment fees are lab work and supplementation. For a complete list of pricing associated with services please click here.

Dr. Lacey Venanzi, Reno NV

Dr. Lacey Venanzi


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